Game 7-2
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  A couple of things that I wanted to add to the startup info (thankfully these haven't come up, yet):

  If your 'bot ends a turn on a double wrench, and you haven't specified whether you want a toy or to heal, I will heal your 'bot if it has two or more points of damage.  So, if you want a toy no matter how hurt you are, you need to TELL me in your programming.  I will only default to a toy if you only have 0 or 1 pt of damage.

  The double ramps on the Rampochet have presented a unique problem.  The problem comes in when a 'bot is coming over a wall and trying to enter a space that is already occupied.  If we have the moving 'bot push the other 'bot, we could end up in a position where the pushed 'bot would end the phase actually ON the ramp.  If the pushing 'bot doesn't have enough movement to push the other 'bot up and over the ramp on the other side, the pushed 'bot would try to slide back down the ramp, where the other 'bot is.
  So, I've decided that if you are trying to come over one of the double ramp walls and there is already a 'bot on the other side, your 'bot will bounce off the top of the sitting 'bot (causing it 1pt of damage) and will carried over to the next space (and over the next double wall if necessary).
  This could come into play VERY soon at the double wrench space that Treb is occupying right now.  If another (normal, not virtual) 'bot comes over that wall while Treb is there, the other 'bot will
give Treb 1pt of damage and continue into the next space...which happens to be a pit!!
  So, be careful with your programming, people.



     Carambita, Griffon, Sqashbot, & Zoombot are still virtual.
     All other 'bots are normal.


     Zoombot gets things started by rushing 3 west, up and over the double ramp, onto the double wrenches.
     Twonky plods 1 west onto the oil and slides 1 west into water.
     Griffon steps 1 west.
     Treb moves 1 south, onto the conveyor.
     Crabbot skitters 1 west to joins Squashbot's VR 'bot.
     Tron backs up south, onto the conveyor belt.
     Maulit rights west.
     Red Siren lefts north.
     Carambita lefts west.
     Squashbot u-turns east.

     Treb is carried 1 south.
     Maulit is sent 1 south and lefted south to spot Crabbot.
     Tron is conveyed 1 west and lefted west.

     Maulit lasers Crabbot for 1pt.

     Zoombot archives.



     Crabbot decides that he is in a bad spot and hi-tails it 3 west, up and over the wall to the double wrenches with Zoombot.
     Twonky spins her wheels in the water and makes it west to the oil, sliding into more water.
     Maulit steps 1 south.
     Griffon moves 1 west.
     Red Siren, still interested in what Tron is up to, heads 1 north.
     Carambita shuffles 1 west.
     Tron drops a portable teleporter on the conveyor (thanks a whole bunch for that, Tron), revs it up, and appears 3 west on a different conveyor.
     Squashbot backs up west.
     Treb rights west.
     Zoombot lefts south.

     Treb is sent 1 south, off the conveyor.
     Tron is shuffled 1 west, onto the oil, and slides all the way across and into the water.
     The teleporter is shunted 1 south.

     Crabbot archives.



     Zoombot continues to live up to his name and zips 4 south.
     Carambita runs 2 west.
     Treb races 2 west.
     Twonky tries to head 2 west, is bogged down by the water, and only makes it 1.
     Griffen moves 1 west.
     Squashbot tries to back up 1 west, but it's not enough to get him over the wall.
     Maulit rights west.
     Red Siren rights east.
     Tron rights north.
     Crabbot lefts south.

     The teleporter is carried 1 west.



     Crabbot follows Zoom 3 south.
     Treb tries to scale the ramp to the west, but 3 just isn't quite enough.
     Twonky shuffles through the water, making it 1 west.
     Zoombot keeps running, 2 south.
     Maulit steps 1 west, onto the conveyor.
     Tron tries to push north, but the water stops him.
     Carambita moves 1 west.
     Squashbot rights south.
     Griffon rights north.
     Red Siren rights south.

     The teleporter is sent 1 west.
     Maulit is bumped against Treb, but the conveyor isn't strong enough to move him.



     Treb muscles his way up and over the ramp, and onto the double wrenches.
     Zoombot charges 2 more south.
     Red Siren steps 1 south, back onto the double wrenches.
     Twonky tries to push 1 west, but the water holds her in place.
     Squashbot lefts east.
     Carambita lefts south.
     Crabbot rights west.
     Tron rights east.
     Griffon lefts west.
     Maulit u-turns east.

     Maulit is sent 1 south.
     The teleporter is carried 1 south.

     Treb archives and picks up a Bridge Layer.
     Red Siren checks his e-mail, "MS Windows luvs you!" RS loads MS Windows.


     Zoombot & Griffon become real live 'bots.


  Well, only two more VR 'bots left.  Everyone else is starting to spread out a bit and we should be attacking Flag #1 within a couple of turns at this rate.

  Also looks like one 'bot has learned the price of trying to be a toy monster.
